update March 11, 2022

Posted On Friday March 11, 2022
Hello LBP families!
We would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable break! There will be no classes between March 14-18th. Classes resume on Monday, March 21 and it will be a day 4.
Although the students will have the option to wear a mask or not while at school, we are continuing to have the staggered recesses and staggered lunch routines.  We are continuing to have classes gather on the west yard in the morning and we ask that parents continue the practice of not being on the basketball court as the students gather before school.
Please note that no stopping signs have been installed in the kiss and ride area including the east side of the parking lot (by the FDK pen).  Please abide by these signs since the bylaw officers from the Town of Ajax have been making a point to visit the school.
This a summary of some of the changes starting March 21, 2022


  • Masking & Staff Personal Protective Equipment - Masks will no longer be required for students, staff and visitors in schools, school board offices and on student transportation. Many students and staff may choose to continue to wear masks at times and schools are encouraged to promote respectful, welcoming and inclusive practices and communications within their school communities.
  • During the self-monitoring period, close contacts must wear a well-fitted mask in all public settings and avoid activities where they need to take off their mask (for example, playing a wind instrument in music class or playing high-contact sports).
  • A reminder that under current federal travel requirements, upon return from international travel, individuals must, wear a mask at all times when in public spaces (including schools and child care), maintain a list of all close contacts for your first 14 days in Canada, and monitor yourself for signs and symptoms of COVID-19.


  • Lifting of Cohorting and Distancing - Cohorting and distancing will no longer be required in schools. Assigned seats and cohorting will no longer be required in student transportation. Elementary students can play and learn together across cohorts, classes and grades, both indoors and outdoors and during lunch and recess. Shared spaces, such as libraries, tech labs, theatres and music rooms can be fully utilized without distancing. Programs across grades, such as reading buddies, can return. Limitations on in-person gatherings and assemblies will also be removed; therefore, schools can plan and host in-person events (e.g., proms, graduation ceremonies, and assemblies).

Daily Screening

  • On-site Confirmation of Screening – Daily on-site confirmation of screening for all students and staff will no longer be required. Staff and students should continue to self-screen every day before attending school .

Updated Case and Contact Management Guidance:


  • Asymptomatic household contacts of a case or a symptomatic individual are not required to isolate if:
    • they are 17 or younger and fully vaccinated
    • 18 and older and have already received their COVID-19 booster; or
    • tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days and have completed their isolation period.

Asymptomatic household contacts who are not required to isolate are still required to self-monitor for 10 days following last exposure, as outlined above.


  • Household members who do not meet the criteria above, are required to isolate for the same duration as the symptomatic individual or positive case. Children under 5 who are asymptomatic household contacts are required to isolate for 5 days, as they are not eligible to be vaccinated against COVID-19.


  • Asymptomatic individuals, regardless of vaccination status, who are close contacts of a case or a symptomatic individual in the community are no longer required to isolate but must self-monitor for 10 days following last exposure. During the self-monitoring period, close contacts must wear a well-fitted mask in all public settings and avoid activities where they need to take off their mask (for example, playing a wind instrument in music class or playing high-contact sports). Close contacts should refer to Ontario.ca/exposed for more information.
See you on the 21st!